Baptisms & Weddings

Celebrating the Sacraments

Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is the sacrament that initiates us into the household of faith. We believe that Holy Baptism is a gift through which God grants us forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ (as Martin Luther states in the Small Catechism.) Baptism also calls us to live as disciples of Jesus, using our particular gifts, skills and passions to share God’s love in our daily lives. We thank God daily for the gift of Baptism through which we are raised every day to new life in God.

Holy Baptism is celebrated at regular Sunday worship services. Baptisms are scheduled in consultation with the Pastor. Parents or those preparing for Baptism are encouraged to choose sponsors (or godparents) based on who will best support and encourage the newly baptized person’s growth in faith and discipleship. Contact us to learn more about baptism at Abiding Presence.

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Preparation for marriage should start at least six months before your desired date in order to complete the marriage preparation process and to plan the service.

Abiding Presence welcomes couples regardless of gender identities and sexual expressions to be married in our sanctuary, provided at least one spouse-to-be is Christian, or wishes to be baptized. We ask that you contact us to inquire about holding your wedding at Abiding Presence.