Preschool Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year is open.Click here for more information.

God's Work. Our Hands.

Serve the Church

God has called us to serve generously. We do this when we pray for people, show love, and help others experience God's grace. Read on to learn about opportunities to keep our church running smoothly and enrich our worship. Does one ministry speak to your interests and availability? We will train you and work with your schedule. 

Volunteer With Us


We rely on many people to produce a vibrant worship experience:

  • Choir Members - lift your voice to lead the congregation in song
  • Communion Supply Assistant - inventorying and ordering communion supplies
  • Communion Assistants - help serve communion
  • Assisting Ministers - read scripture, lead prayers, and help with communion
  • Worship Assistant Coordinator - schedule volunteers for assistant ministers, ushers, communion assistants, youth time speakers, and others
  • Altar Guild - prepare the sanctuary 
  • Ushers - welcome worshippers


Help with events throughout the year for folks who call Abiding Presence home:

  • Coffee Hour Hosts - serve coffee and treats after worship on Sunday morning
  • Kitchen Supervisor - keep the kitchen tidy and stocked with coffee hour supplies
  • Special Event Coordinator - schedule volunteers and organize food donations for weddings and funerals
  • Fellowship Event Coordinators - plan one of our fellowship events like Oktoberfest or the Holiday dinner

Office & Property

Help out behind the scenes to keep our office and facility running smoothly. We'll train you for these tasks:

  • Building Care - Keep the inside of the church picked up, the kiosk up to date, sweep outside the doors, and wash the glass doors as needed.
  • Record Keeper - Enter weekly attendance, enter new members, prepare offering envelopes and directory.
  • Thrivent Grant Coordinator - Work with members who have Thrivent accounts to apply for grants throughout the year that underwrite our outreach activities.
  • Memorial Funds Volunteer - Write thank-you letters and keep track of donations when we get donations to memorial funds.
  • Special Flowers Coordinator - Track donations and purchase lilies for Easter and poinsettias for Christmas.