Deepen Your Faith

Grow Spiritually

Whether you prefer to meet in a small group regularly, or drop in on a large class occasionally, we have something for you to help you grow in your faith.

Faith Formation for All Ages

Education is an important part of forming faith.  Faith is also formed by relationships with others, fellowship, experiences, and action.
Our Faith Formation program provides learning opportunities and experiences for children, youth, and adults.  These groups meet from mid-September through May on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am, following worship.

Students 3 years old - 5th grade
are in a multi-age, multi-grade class.  The lessons focus on the same biblical texts that are used in worship that morning.  There is a focus on learning to use the bibles that were given to each of the students at the beginning of the year.  

The Confirmation Class, 
which meets on Sunday mornings, includes students in the 6th - 8th grades. Their focus is on the Old and New Testaments and Luther's Small Catechism.  In the fall of their 9th grade, students affirm their faith in the Rite of Confirmation.  

The Adult Class
also gathers at 10:45 am and is taught by Pastor Sharon and Vicar Stephanie.  The focus of the bible study varies throughout the year.  

The Intergenerational Session
of learning together occurs on the second Sunday of each month for ALL AGES.  The beauty of this intergenerational gathering is that all of us learn from each other, regardless of age, and that adult members have the opportunity to meet and spend valuable time with our children and youth, forming faith through relationships.  


The Rite of Confirmation is celebrated on Reformation Sunday each year that we have youth ready to be confirmed. Confirmation is the act of affirming one’s Baptism (especially if one was baptized as an infant) and becoming an adult member of the congregation. 

Our Confirmation program at Abiding Presence is three years long, for youth in 6th-8th grade.  The class meets from September through May weekly (except for weeks when the Rochester Community Schools are on break.)  Each one of the three years of instruction focuses on three topics in turn: Old Testament, New Testament, and Luther’s Small Catechism.  In preparation for the Rite of Confirmation, the youth meet with Pastor Sharon in the fall of the 9th-grade year to prepare a statement of faith that is presented on the evening before Reformation Sunday.

Shalom Group

Shalom is a monthly gathering of adults to learn and discuss a topic that explores a justice theme. Past Shalom gatherings have looked at pollinator gardening, immigration and refugee resettlement, water stewardship, and LGBTQ concerns. Learning at these gatherings has often led to action by a congregational team.

In addition, the Shalom Planning Group offers education, advocacy, and participation on monthly themes.  Upcoming themes include Women’s History Month, Earth Care, and Indigenous Peoples’ Month.

Books, Coffee, and Dessert

This book discussion group of women and men meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall from September through May. Along with lively discussion, we enjoy a variety of desserts. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the sessions. Book selections are drawn from a variety of genres. Past discussions have included books such as The Women of the Copper Country, Born A Crime: The Trevor Noah Story, Disappearing Earth, and A Woman of No Importance